Changing this one thing could change your team

Take it outside

I am a big believer in the great outdoors. I have witnessed the benefit that it has had on people for many years through my work at Branch Out.

Teams of people benefit enormously from working together outside. Reg Crawford, Manavale Associate, renowned leader and former senior officer in the elite Special Air Service, believes that the benefits are profound.

"An SAS solider has to be agile and resilient, much like any business professional. Training a leader in different outdoor environments helps to condition them both physically and mentally for unknown risks in the road ahead.”

Other benefits that I have witnessed with teams include:

  • Advanced health and wellbeing

  • Deeper trust and memory building

  • An ability to deal with disagreement and conflict

  • Learning new ways of making decisions as a team

  • Increased self-awareness

For more insights and If you would like to learn more about our team and leadership immersion events, please get in contact below.

Mark McOnie