How to Hire Great Leaders

It is no understatement that the LinkedIn platform has transformed the way we network. At a glance, you can see where someone has worked, what their current role is and what their skills are. You can identify whether you share common networks and even trace their posting and commenting behaviour. It provides information that is useful to those who are looking to extend their network, hiring or perhaps even looking to find out more about a potential employer.

However, mistakes are made and, with the cost of a poor hire estimated to be three times the candidates salary, it is worth applying a deeper approach when identifying leadership talent on the internet.

A leaders skill rests on how they lead people, not whether they have led people.

Empathy, vulnerability and humility are appealing leadership traits that are commonly cited amongst academics and progressive organisations - you won’t have to scratch too hard to find a list. These traits are powerful for they allow employees to explore creativity and risk taking in a safe, accommodating working environment. This is the cornerstone of how companies innovate. These traits can’t be identified on paper (or a screen).

Field Test

Our experience leading executive groups and leadership groups through a range of dynamic environments (mountains to forests) has taught us many things. A leaders true character is revealed during times of stress. We call this the stress window - where all of our values, beliefs, skills and experience come to the fore. Ego has often been the maker of leaders (the reason that they have risen to the top) but can be a significant obstacle to inclusive, collaborative decision making if left unchecked. Ego can be hidden, but again often appears during the stress window.

  1. Great leaders empower themselves and others/ poor leaders withdraw and blame.

  2. Great leaders ask questions to overcome challenges/ poor leaders ignore the difficult issues.

  3. Great leaders think and act collaboratively/ poor leaders almost always dictate direction.

Hiring Great Leaders

The opposites we have listed above can’t be identified through a cursory process. They also can’t be identified through an hour long behavioural interview or even two. Hiring great leaders requires a deeper assessment process to identify the core behaviours that you would like to see in your organisation. In our experience, the best approach is a varied approach to selection which includes:

  • Initial interview - using your culture, values and skills and experience needs.

  • Psychometric Testing - this needs to be appropriate to the level of the role.

  • Scenario Testing - how a person makes decisions in a simulated, moderately stressful environment.

  • Attending Team Meetings (peers and direct reports) - can the team relate to this leader?

  • Clear and transparent communication about the requirements of the role and accountability.

Creating a range of techniques to hire talent doesn’t have to be expensive, it just requires fore thought, a clear perspective on what is important to you and your organisation and some effort to prepare the right assessment methods to grab that talent.

We would love your comments. If you would like to speak with us about our methods in identifying leadership talent, please reach out.